Home School“You have been home schooling from the time you first gave birth or taken guardianship of a child!”


Welcome to Book and Pen, your resource for a new way to home school your children that is absolutely 100% free! No ads, no data collection, never any sale of private information to anyone. We are not funded by anyone, and do not accept donations or gifts.

Why is Book and Pen Free?

Book and Pen is designed to help Parents, Guardians, and Teachers find good educational resources for their children without having to pay for them. We are not affiliated with any other organization or educational system.

There is one cost you will encounter, the investment of your time. Is your child, or children worth it? If the answer is Yes then start now!

We are a work in progress, and would love to have suggestions on how to improve this platform. Use the comment section, we would love to hear from you.

Is Book and Pen just for Christians?

Book and Pen is for everyone, but the the materials and resources are Christian. You can find statement of faith and beliefs under about us at the top menu.

What makes Book and Pen different?

We think that the Parent is better equipped to educate their child, and can determine how to teach, what to teach, when to teach, and where to teach. No State, Private, or Religious school system can do a better job then You!

Why don’t you suggest or offer a Curriculum?

Most curriculums offer a set of standardized courses that is a one size fits all. We do not buy one size shoe for the entire family because we know that everyone’s foot is a different size. Every child is an individual, with certain God given differences, talents, abilities, and personalities, why then should we one size fits all.

When did Public (State) School start?

They began calling for free, compulsory school for every child in the nation. Massachusetts passed the first compulsory school laws in 1852. New York followed the next year, and by 1918, all American children were required to attend at least elementary school. Resource: Excerpt from internet search.

Public education is toxic. Under the veil of preparing our children for a “better life” it instead poisons their minds with humanistic teachings. It is opposed to the one true God, and abhors any attempt to introduce Christianity into its teachings. It is anti-Christ.

How did this come about? The people wanted it! Even today, parents demand they open the schools so they can send their children to their local State indoctrination center (Public school).

When did Home (Cottage) School start?

Over 6000 years ago. Adam and Eve instructed Cain and Able. We also have cuneiform tablets found in ancient cities used by families to teach educational subjects pertaining to those times and customs.

Home (Cottage) School is a God given right, no Government, Federal or State, nor any person may take that right away.

You have the right to train up your children; and if you should delegate this right to educate them in whole or part you still retain that right, because it is God given, to you!

We can however give up this right by acquiescing to the opinions and demands of others, but if we do it it will prove to be the means of destruction for the family,, the nation, and our children.

What is Home (Cottage) School?

The simple answer is “Home (Cottage) Schooling is teaching and learning in the home environment”.

We often think of home schooling as a mom at home using some curriculum or other means to teach the children. We ask friends what they use, we go online to find some materials, and take them on like minded group outings to fill the social gap.

Years ago small church groups would meet at a home to pray, and study together. The term “cottage” may have started there. It is the thought behind the word that is to be pondered.

You could meet with a group of like minded parents at various homes, outdoors in the park, the zoo, or other place that would be conducive to hands on teaching.

Keep the meetings orderly and timely. Try not to be to structured and at the same time keep it from becoming just a time to chit chat. Remember, it is about training up the children.